Geoprogress Global Forum 2018

 2nd Geoprogress Global Forum

2nd edition of the International Conference on


 2018, Bruxelles


The “Geoprogress Global Forum (GGF)” is an international initiative promoted by the  Geoprogress Journal,  which  is an open access e-journal,  submitted to a double-blind peer review, edited by Geoprogress. This is a non-profit organisation founded by Italian academics out of various disciplines and universities for  contributing to the progress of humanity, namely to build a better world, and enhance peace and well-being, interdependence between nations, emancipation from starvation and other humiliating deprivations .

The GGF is open to scientists, experts, politicians and anyone around the World who wants to contribute to overcome the above problems. Furthermore it would contribute to initiate a people global network with the same world concept and intentions and therefore help to urge the international policies of their States in the same direction. Each edition focuses on different problems of territory development, from local to global scale, and  debates policies, management models and  action proposals.

The second edition, opened with the international conference of Brussels on “Sustainability and Energy Issues”, held in September 7th, intends to focus on energy security and sustainability needs facing the present market and resistances to change. In particular, it aims:

  • to analyze current energy geography, which involves great differences in energy problems in different territories and requires different solutions and overall a new re-launch of cooperation among  people for a sustainable development;
  • to discuss the strategies of energy security for humanity in sustainability and put forward policies and regulations, nationally and internationally.

Its purpose is not only to give continuity to the debate concerning the global  environment  issues that should be constantly in the spotlight of the scholars and public decision makers;  but also  to try to further  involve the scientific community in the global problems. This community should contribute not only  to find techniques, of production and organization, that are increasingly sustainable, but also to identify and remove resistances and obstacles toward the diffusion of such techniques and toward the satisfaction the energy needs of billion people.

This international conference was the first important moment of the Forum that continued with the publication of the first contributions of the scientific community, experts and public decision-makers in the developing the debate over the web.  In 2018, the Forum will continue with other initiatives – such as workshops and round tables on specific topics and issues organized with the collaboration of interested Institutions, University Departments, Associations, etc. –  and with the publication in the GeoProgress Journal  of new  important contributions consistent with the following call for papers.




