Sustainability and Multimodality


2nd Geoprogress Global Forum





PULA, December 2018

Geoprogress Global Forum (GGF) is an international initiative promoted by Geoprogress Journal, which is an open access e-journal,  submitted to a double-blind peer review, edited by Geoprogress. This is a non-profit organisation founded by Italian academics out of various disciplines and universities for contributing to the progress of humanity, namely to build a better world, and enhance peace and well-being, interdependence between nations, emancipation from starvation and other humiliating deprivations.

The GGF is open to scientists, experts, politicians and anyone around the World who wants to contribute to overcome the above mentioned problems. Furthermore, it would contribute to initiate a global network of people with the same concept of world and intentions and therefore help to urge the international policies of  States in the same direction. Each edition focuses on different problems of territory development, from local to global scale, and debates policies, management models and action proposals.

The second edition, opened with the international conference of Brussels on “Sustainability and Energy Issues”, held in September 7th, 2017, intends to focus on energy security and sustainability needs facing the present market and resistances to change. In particular, it aims:

  • to analyse current energy geography, which involves great differences in energy problems in different territories and requires different solutions and overall a new re-launch of co-operation among people for a sustainable development;
  • to discuss the strategies of energy security for humanity in sustainability and put forward policies and regulations, nationally and internationally.

Its purpose is not only to give continuity to the debate concerning the global environment issues that should be constantly in the spotlight of the scholars and public decision makers; but also, to try to further involve the scientific community in the global problems. This community should contribute not only to find techniques, of production and organisation, that are increasingly sustainable, but also to identify and remove resistances and obstacles toward the diffusion of such techniques and toward the satisfaction the energy needs of billions of people.

This international conference has been the first important step of the Forum that continued with the publication of the first contributions of the scientific community, experts and public decision-makers and the development of the debate over the web. In 2018, the Forum will continue with other initiatives – such as workshops and round tables on specific topics and issues organised with the collaboration of interested Institutions, University Departments, Associations, etc. – and with the publication in the GeoProgress Journal of new important contributions consistent with the following call for papers.

Some of these initiatives will focus on “SUSTAINABILITY AND TRANSPORT ISSUES”, as transport is one of the most important component of energy consumption and, for this reason and its infrastructures, cause of environmental degradation. Among the initiatives on transport, GeoProgress Journal promotes this Meeting on MULTIMODALITY in collaboration with  TRANSPOGOOD, Project of the EU Interreg Italy-Croatia.

The theme of the Meeting is  consistent for both EU Interreg project and GGF different obejectives.



The meeting includes a plenary session with key notes and reports, parallel sessions of papers presentation, and workshops for discussing experiences, political proposals and strategies.



The promoters of the workshop encourage the submission of original manuscripts, commentary and essays devoted to the examination of theoretical or empirical issues related to multimodality of transport and its importance for the organization of transport systems and for the aim of reducing negative ecological and social externalities.

Key issues to be discuss and analysed through case studies are around:

  • how to organize multimode transport systems in such a way to maximize the economic efficiency and minimize negative ecological impacts
  • how to reduce the ecological impact of transports
  • how to organize informatic platforms for multimode transport systems
  • which services should be provided by these platforms to maximize the economic and ecological efficiency
  • how to organize the governance of efficient multimode transport systems
  • how should be a planning process carried out for the progressive development of a multimode transport system with a participatory and systemic approach
  • which are the best spatial dimensions of multimode transport systems, in term of efficiency and competitivity
  • how to finance the economic and ecological progress of multimode transport systems
  • which are the policies of the EU and of European States for the development of efficient and sounder multimode transport systems
  • how to help poor countries to develop more sustainable transport systems
  • how are changing regional and global markets and which are the need and perspectives of regional and global transports
  • which are the impacts of new (ICT) technologies in the business of medium and long distance transports
  • which are the strategies of medium-long distance transport companies facing the geo-economics and geopolitics of ChinaContributions aimed at collecting best practices, case studies and practical experience are particularly to be welcomed

Contributions aimed at collecting best practices, case studies and practical experience are particularly welcomed.

The several topics related to the above issues include:

  • Geography of transports
  • Geopolitics
  • Economy and techniques of transports
  • Planning methods
  • Management methods
  • IT and Telecommunications
  • Geomatics


Every paper will be proposed for publication to the GeoProgress Journal. So every paper, as well as every intervention and report, has to be edited according the norms and format (“Style Guidelines…”) that you can find at .
They will be submitted to peer review.



Proposals can be submitted both by December, 1st , 2018, and  by June 1st,, 2019.

The papers proposed by the first deadline will be presented and discussed during the workshop of Pula 2018. The papers proposed later, by June 2019; they will be probably  discussed in a second meeting and  anyway submitted for publication.

Authors will be notified of the decision on whether their papers will be presented at the workshop after a few days; and of the publication decision  in 45 days.

Proposals must be sent in English in the form of full length contributions (maximum 7200 words or 20 pages), according the Manuscript Submission Guidelines and the Format you find here



Coordinators of the Workshop

Francesco  Adamo,  Prof. Emer. of Economic Geography,  President of  Geoprogress  Onlus and responsible of Geoprogress Global Forum (GGF).

Responsible of Transpgood – EU  Interreg Project Italy-Croatia

Steering Committee of the GGF: Bjorn Asheim (Norway and Sweden), Huseyn Bagci,(Turkey), Vincente Bielza de Ory (Spain), Vladimir Kolossov (Russia), Sergio Conti (Italy), Elena Dell’Agnese (Italy), Labadi Fadwa (Palestine), Claudio Minca (Nederlands), Julian  V. Minghi (USA), Maria Paradiso (Italy), Petros Petsimeris (France), Stephane Rosiere (France), Christian Vandermotten (Belgium), Peter Wiltshier (United Kingdom).

Steering Committee of the EU Interreg Project TRANSPGOOD
Partners representatives:

Scientific Committee of the Workshop and for the Transport Section of the GeoProgress Journal:  Stefano Soriani (Università Venezia Ca’ Foscari), Vittorio Amato (University of Naple Federico II), Marco Mazzarino University of Venice IUAV), Maurizio Cociancich (University of Venice IUAV) alcuni  studiosi  stranieri noti come esperti di trasporti

Executive Committee of the Workshop: Maurizio Cociancich (University of Venice IUAV and Elevante),  Coordinatore  Carlo Donato (University of Sassari and Geoprogress),  Marcello Tadini


Secretariat of the Workshop:

Chiara Sorice (
Sandra Rainero
Edoardo Ardizzone of the Geoprogress Journal (

Paper proposals:,
Workshop organization :,

